VR-painting residency

4 min readOct 14, 2022


TAV, Taipei Artist village 01/2021



When submitting here in Taipei my subject of performing a VR painting residency, focusing on landscape painting and establishing a parallel with shanshui’s painting.

I had quite a precise idea of my work during the two and a half months, I’ll be designing VR worlds that focus on 3 principal axes.

The paradoxical “presence” of the void where the landscape appears from the balance between what is represented and what we create mentally without seeing it.

A mimesis that is not a representation. I’m not reproducing in VR what we have in real life, but it looks like and that’s enough.

What you see is what you get, when designing VR worlds in immersion, we are not facing a representation but the thing in itself.


I’ll be showing, with the use of a VR Headset, synthetic landscapes, mental landscapes that the user will experience, immersed in environments both abstract and recognizable. Those synthetic landscapes are composed using digital inherent discontinuity and infinite scalability to serve a narrative, in the same way that space of the landscape in Shanshui’s painting is not represented by perspective but codified by the definition of the 3 distant, and structured by precise composition’s rules restoring the real-life painter’s experience.
The experience will be launched through OculusTV, and QuillTheater on the Oculus Quest. The use of Oculus platform will allow us to update that work in progress until the end of the exhibition. An User Interface, will guide the user for a successful experience. Immersed in a virtual landscape, the user will be able to reach different “stand points” static or moving.
A didactic side will be developed. Using a specific Point of View, the entire painting will be revealed as a model allowing the user to understand the entire device. Observing from that PoV, will be an opening to a six Degrees of Freedom experience, 6DoF refers to the freedom of movement in three-dimensional space. Specifically, the body is free to change position as forward/backward, up/down, left/right translation in three perpendicular axes.
The dispositif requires a standalone VR headset type Oculus Quest and a smartphone used as wireless video feedback of the experience, allowing the user to share his experience but also to provide the help from mediators if needed by those not used to practice VR.

The proposition to participate in a group exhibition offered by TAV was also a great opportunity and pushed me beyond my comfort zone, I had to invent a device to show my work.

Really minimal in the gallery, a playground tape defined and a suspended VR-Headset, pushing the contrast between the physical and the virtual space

An easy to use proposition, it’s just a matter of putting on the headset, looking, moving around but it allows you to feel real sensations as fear of heights, experiencing the 6DOF, exploring the space as not all its specificities are obvious




Written by jamil_M

I’m a french/morrocan artist based in Paris. Architect, I have always been interested in the relation built environment/atmosphere.

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